Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Well it's beginning to look bleak. I mean, living in Monaco may sound like a complete dream - but it's bloody expensive out here let me tell you.

Trust me, I do my best to cut down on expenses (see my previous post). It's near 85 degrees out there and I don't even turn on the A/C if you can imagine the suffering here!

And believe me, I don't just sit around at home - I head out there to try and enjoy the place (wouldn't you?). How do I afford it? Well naturally, as a woman, it is always possible to go out and have some generous, chivalrous, not-so-bad-looking man or two to buy a girl a drink or two or three. And actually having more than one man around makes things even more generous as they try to out perform each other in the financial bravado sense.

But at the end of the day, a girl still has to pay her rent, utilities, DSL line, mobile phone. Not to mention her fashion expenses - you can't exactly head out in a Gap t-shirt and jeans from Target out here. It's got to look well put together and smart in order to even have a chance to be hanging about these rich fancy folk.

In any case, that's why I've started the "KEEP KATTI IN MONACO" donation campaign. If you want the stories, the tales, the way the rich and not so famous actually operate here on a daily basis - well, you've got to help me stay here.

I'm not asking for millions - no sense in that, as I just need enough to keep up appearances and buy the occasional drink or dinner for myself and casual acquaintances. I do that now and then, and it's much more likely I'll be invited out to the annual events like the Red Cross Ball and the Bal d'Ete (Summer Gala).

So you know I'm not being greedy, if you donate, I want to give something back to you - so ask me any question and I will give you my opinion and advice. Do you want to know how the rich live here? What do they eat? Where are the trendy places for rich people? Even the latest fashion, or what boat is the talk of the harbor these days...you just let me know, I will help you learn all about it!

Obviously, I will continue this blog to keep the masses up to date, whether or not you contribute towards my cause. But if you want a personal response, please just donate something, anything - even 1 penny is fabulous!

I'm desperate and need some global assistance. I keep reading about generous philantropists that give millions to various educational institutions or churches...what about the lowly needy ones who just need a helping hand to keep the social graces alive and well? Just donate and ask me something, as I know an awful lot about men, women, politics, the environment...disputes with your girlfriend? I can help you so come on, help me out!

I absolutely KNOW that you can help. Seriously! Even for 1 cent, aren't you even CURIOUS to ask me a question?

Keep up the appearances you lovely people out there...it IS worth it!

Till next time...

1 comment:

  1. This is bullshit. There are plenty of us "normal people" who live and work in Monaco and work damn hard to pay our bills and rent, and you're just asking us to give away our hard earned cash so you can go and buy clothes and get invited to parties. There are lots of extra jobs you can do here, working in bars or teaching English if your job (whatever that is) doesn't pay enough. That's what the rest of us have to do. If you can't afford to live here on our own means GO AND LIVE SOMEWHERE ELSE.
